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Painting Fur
Three Day Workshop
April 29-May 1  2016

Fur comes in all colors, lengths and textures.  Spend  three days learning how to simplify painting the fur and markings of your favorite animals.  We will have live canine models to help demonstrate the two methods I use in blocking in color and markings as well as explore the layering of color and value to create volume, penumbra, brush selection and handling to achieve edges that create visual softness; painting long fur, fuzzy fur, and slick shiny fur. We will discuss photography, lighting your subject , selecting a good photo and how to combine more than one photo in one painting. Demos and individual painting time are factored into this intensive three day workshop.


Riverhawke Studio  #183 12th St. SW,  Loveland, CO

 For Registration and/or Questions: contact Lani


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Classes on Mondays and Tuesdays

Spend the day painting and discussing all things ART.  You are able to work on your own project, at your own speed and learn from Lani as well as other students .  A group critique is scheduled each afternoon.  Bring in outside work for critique as well.


10am - 3pm  $150 per month


at Riverhawke Studio


#183 12th St. SW


Loveland, CO


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